ESCB-PKI Certificate usage

  • Where can I obtain further support?
    • Please contact your local Help Desk. They can give you an initial support and, if needed, they can redirect your questions to the ESCB-PKI Coordinating Service Desk.

  • How can I verify if my ESCB-PKI certificates work properly?
  • How should I proceed to install the ESCB-PKI root chain in my computer?
    • To install the root chain you must install the ESCB-PKI root CA certificate and the ESCB-PKI subordinate CA certificate in your computer. To complete this operation perform the following actions for each certificate:

    • - Double click on the certificate which has been published in the ESCB-PKI web page

      - The specific procedure you should follow to intall it depends on the browser and operating system you are using on your computer. Please contact your local Help Desk for support

  • Software certificate usage
    • Which web browsers are supported?

      You should not have any problem to use your ESCB-PKI certificates with most common browsers (i.e.Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc).
    • Can I have several software certificates installed in my web browser?

      Yes, you can install all the certificates you need.
    • How do I back my certificate and private key?

      See also: How should I proceed to export a software certificate?
    • How do I recover a forgotten password for my certificate?

      It is not possible to recover a forgotten password. You must request a new certificate.
    • How do I move my key pair and certificate to another computer?

      See also: How should I proceed to export a software certificate?
  • Other frequent operations with digital certificates
    • How to sign a MS Office document?

      In order to know how to sign MS Office documents please have a look at the following Microsoft article:
    • How to encrypt/sign an e-mail (outlook)?

      In order to know how to encrypt and sign an email message with outlook please have a look at the following Microsoft article:
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